"If you don't open this fucking door, I'll burn your house down Nile. I swear to God."
Kiara banged on the door one more time, walking over to the window. It was cracked and she could see a light on somewhere in the depths of the house. She leaned her head down to the crack, raising her voice an octave.
"I can see your fucking car, asshole. I know that you're here."
She sighed loudly, straightening back up. She walked back over to the door and knocked so hard, a crack appeared in the wood.
"This is the last time I'm knocking. I don't know if you think I'm someone who jokes around about this shit, but if you don't open this fucking door by the time I count to three, I'm knocking it off of its hinges."
She took a step back, crossing her arms over her chest.
She looked down at her nails, tapping her foot impatiently. She thought she could hear footsteps from inside, but she wasn't sure.
Her voice echoed down the empty street, and she honestly couldn't believe this kid could be stupid enough to let her get to three. She opened her mouth to speak, but the door swung open. Xavier stood in front of her, and his face was anything but amused.
"Are you a psycho or something?"
Kiara nodded, reaching out and pushing Xavier to the side so she could get through the doorway.
"Yes. And I need to talk to you. So shut up and listen."
Xavier looked at her, dumbfounded. He looked like the last thing he wanted was for Kiara Hunter to be in his living room at 6 am, but he shut the door softly behind her anyway.
"What do you want, Kiara?"
Kiara spun in a circle, looking around the massive room in Xav's house.
"Well you see, we have a problem. And by we, yes, I mean you too.
My best friend disappeared last night. I'm sure you know who I'm talking about, since you're in love with her and stuff."
She fixed him with a look as she finally brought her eyes back to his face. She looked like she was daring him to contest her, and he didn't disappoint.
"I'm not in love with Eden. And you act like she doesn't disappear a lot.
That's what she does. She runs away."
Kiara let out a loud noise of exasperation.
"Why are you such an idiot? I mean really. You're one of the smartest people in this fucking town and you're still acting like a scared little boy.
I'm not asking you to stand there and declare your love for her, because anyone with eyes can see it. What I'm asking you to do is stop her from leaving.
She's leaving in half an hour to some fucking country I can't even pronounce the name of."
Xavier's expression blanked out, quickly turning incredulous.
"What makes you think that I can stop her? She's never listened to me before. What the hell is going to change that now?"
Kiara rolled her eyes, her hands finding her hips. She looked at him in a way that made Xavier uneasy in seconds.
Xavier hesitated to answer, shifting his weight.
Kiara walked over to him, and even though he was easily as tall as Atticus, she stared him down like he was half her size.
"Because she loves you, you dumbass."
Xavier took a step back from her, clearing his throat.
"Eden doesn't love anyone but herself, Kiara."
Kiara sighed, again, her annoyance growing with every passing minute. She spoke quickly, her words running into each other.
"You're wrong about that.
She loves Jett. She loves her twin brother. She loves me, and she sometimes loves her dad.
She loved Nico in a way that left her broken and opened up to things she didn't know how to deal with.
She loved Nico in a way that left her broken and opened up to things she didn't know how to deal with.
She loved her baby sister, and her death shattered her entire existence.
She loves alcohol and she loves sex. She loves music and she loves doing things she knows she shouldn't do. She loves causing trouble and she loves math."
Kiara's voice paused for a second and she let out one more breath before looking Xavier straight in the eyes.
"But none of that is going to compare to the fact that she's in love with you.
That shes probably loved you for a long time.
And maybe Eden doesn't know how to show that, and maybe she doesn't know what to do about it, but that doesn't fucking change it.
So why don't you be a man and go to the fucking airport before she leaves and you miss your chance?
Do something.
Because we both fucking know she never will."
Xavier stared at Kiara for a long, long time. He didn't seem to be able to say a single word to the speech Kiara had just dumped in his head. He was trying to comprehend how this girl standing in front of him could know someone like Eden so well. How Eden, with walls stronger than concrete, could have let someone else inside.
But wasn't that sort of what she'd done with him? Or at least, what she'd started to do?
Was that what had happened?
Did she love him?
Did he love her?
All he could do was repeat the same sentence in his head over and over.
We both fucking know she never will.
Finally, he let out a breath. He shoved the shoes sitting next to the door onto his feet and turned back around, holding his hand out to her.
"Give me your keys."
Xavier pulled Kiara's bright red Mclaren to the side of the gates and threw it into park. The guy behind the parking entrance terminal sat the paper he had been reading down and looked at him, raising an eyebrow. Xavier climbed out of the shiny red car and rushed over to the glass window. The security guard leaned forward, sliding it open.
"Can I help you? These gates don't open for another 15 minutes, son."
Xavier's eye widened.
"No, I need to get inside."
The guard shook his head, looking down at his watch and pulling his newspaper back in front of his face.
"Well you're gonna have to wait. It's only 15 minutes. You'll be fine."
Xavier shook his head, reaching into the window. He pushed the newspaper down so the guard could see his face.
"There's someone I need to see. What's it going to take for you to open this gate?"
The guard paused for a moment, taking in Xavier's appearance. Every second that passed made the anxiety in Xavier's chest triple.
"You love her?"
Xav blinked, completely caught off guard. He didn't know how to respond to that. What was he supposed to say? He didn't know. He had no idea.
"That's what I keep hearing, yeah."
The guard nodded, once. He sat his paper down, reaching out and hitting a bright red button on the side of his desk.
"Then I suggest you run, kid."
Xavier stared at him in disbelief, but just for a moment. He ran to the car, put it in drive and floored it the moment the gate rose. He shouted 'thank you' out of the window when he passed, but he didn't know if the guy had even heard him. But he was sure that he kept getting weird strokes of luck tonight.
Hopefully, they continued.
Eden looked down at her cell phone, scrolling one by one through her pictures. It was 6:51. The plane was supposed to leave in nine minutes. In nine minutes, she'd be free of this town. She'd have her trust fund and a new country, a new life. She could be someone else. Have something else. Maybe for once in her life, she could be happy.
She sighed, pressing the button on the top of her phone. The screen went black and she took another step forward, following the line of people toward the boarding area. The glass doors to the airport fell shut behind her and it was like a weight lifted off of her chest.
No one even knew she was leaving. They'd figure it out soon enough, but she wasn't even sure she cared. It wasn't like it was important for her to stay here. No one needed her here.
All of her reasons to stay were gone.
She hitched her bag up higher on her shoulder, and the single tear that fell down her face was sworn to be her last one.
This was about freedom. This was about moving on, and letting go.
This was about-
She blinked, once, looking around at the passengers that surrounded her. Was she imagining things? She almost thought she recognized that voice. She brushed it off, following the people in front of her once again. She put her hand on the railing to the stairs up to the plane, only to be promptly knocked off of the step, her bag falling beside the stairs.
She looked up, her mouth dropping open. The guy who had been behind her gave her a dirty look and brushed past her.
"Xavier? How the fuck did you get in here?"
"Massive amounts of luck and about five thousand dollars."
He was out of breath, and he looked exhausted. Like he'd been running. He took her by the arm and pulled her out of the line. Person after person pushed past them, boarding the plane. Boarding Eden's escape, and here was Xavier, not allowing her to do the exact same thing.
"I'm about to leave, Xavier. Why are you here? What do you want?"
She looked to the side of him, not able to quite meet his eyes.
He gasped for breath, putting his hand on her shoulder. He was searching her eyes, searching for words.
"Don't get on that plane."
She shifted her weight, glancing around. People were staring, whispering to each other. She looked back at Xavier, biting down on the inside of her cheek.
"I have to. There's nothing left for me here, Xav. Everything is destroyed. Everything is changing.
I have to go."
She tried to push past him, towards the stairs, but he stopped her. One hand on her chest. He shook his head vehemently.
"No you fucking don't."
She raised an eyebrow. He was cussing. Every single time it happened, it surprised her.
"I'm pretty sure I just said that I do."
"And I said that you don't. Because there is something left for you here. I'm here.
And I know change scares you. I know that feelings scare you. I know that I fucking let you down. But running away solves nothing."
He took her face in his hands, bringing her emerald green gaze onto his own.
"Don't leave."
Eden let out a breath, and her heart jumped in her chest.
She had to leave... She couldn't stay. Not for some boy who didn't even really care.
But if he didn't care... why is he here?
The question was open ended. It had a million meanings and a million answers. But she was looking for just one. One reason to stay. If he could give her just one-
"Because I'm in love with you.
Just like you said. Just like Kiara said. Like your father did before we ever even left for college.
Because for all of your faults and all of your mistakes, I can't seem to fucking see you as anything less than beautiful.
You scare me, and you piss me off. You drive me insane.
You're reckless and obnoxious and have a terrible drinking problem. Your family is dysfunctional and your best friend is a psycho.
I almost got arrested because I was determined to get to you. I just gave all the money in my wallet to a security guard who looks like he already has more money than God.
But I don't care.
Because I'm in love with you.
And you can not get on that plane."
The shock that pulsed through Eden was unlike anything she had felt in her entire life. Was this really happening? Was he really doing this? In front of all of these people? Right now?
Thunder broke across the sky and the flight assistant leaned impatiently out of the door of the plane. They were the only two people left outside. Rain drops fell onto her face one by one and still, she didn't speak.
What kind of cliche movie bullshit was this? Stopping the girl before she gets on the plane? Were they in the nineties? This was dumb. It was insane and it was gross. Everything in her brain was telling her to push him away. To get on that plane and never look back.
"I love you too."
She pushed onto her toes and touched her lips to his, her hand on his face. He twisted his fingers into her hair and pulled her against him, the rain falling heavier. He tasted like he always had, and it was something she wasn't sure she ever quite forgot. When he broke the kiss, looking down at her, she saw something new in his eyes. He actually looked... happy.
She was in love with Xavier Nile.
And maybe this wouldn't fix her family, and maybe it wouldn't fix any of the damage that had already been done. Maybe it wouldn't fill the cracks in her defenses, but then again... maybe she didn't need them anymore.
It wouldn't make her world spin, and it wouldn't freeze time. It wouldn't be a fairy tale, and it wouldn't make her believe that love was the most beautiful thing in existence.
But what it would do, was show her that maybe not all love is bad. Maybe there are different kinds. Safe kinds.
Maybe she could do this after all.
"Excuse me, miss? We need to go. Are you getting on this plane or not?"
The woman's voice cut through her thoughts and she hesitated, looking from Xavier and back to her. She traced her fingertips across Xavier's cheek and shook her head slowly.
"I think I'm gonna stay."

Xavier pulled Kiara's bright red Mclaren to the side of the gates and threw it into park. The guy behind the parking entrance terminal sat the paper he had been reading down and looked at him, raising an eyebrow. Xavier climbed out of the shiny red car and rushed over to the glass window. The security guard leaned forward, sliding it open.
"Can I help you? These gates don't open for another 15 minutes, son."
Xavier's eye widened.
"No, I need to get inside."
The guard shook his head, looking down at his watch and pulling his newspaper back in front of his face.
"Well you're gonna have to wait. It's only 15 minutes. You'll be fine."
Xavier shook his head, reaching into the window. He pushed the newspaper down so the guard could see his face.
"There's someone I need to see. What's it going to take for you to open this gate?"
The guard paused for a moment, taking in Xavier's appearance. Every second that passed made the anxiety in Xavier's chest triple.
"You love her?"
Xav blinked, completely caught off guard. He didn't know how to respond to that. What was he supposed to say? He didn't know. He had no idea.
"That's what I keep hearing, yeah."
The guard nodded, once. He sat his paper down, reaching out and hitting a bright red button on the side of his desk.
"Then I suggest you run, kid."
Xavier stared at him in disbelief, but just for a moment. He ran to the car, put it in drive and floored it the moment the gate rose. He shouted 'thank you' out of the window when he passed, but he didn't know if the guy had even heard him. But he was sure that he kept getting weird strokes of luck tonight.
Hopefully, they continued.
Eden looked down at her cell phone, scrolling one by one through her pictures. It was 6:51. The plane was supposed to leave in nine minutes. In nine minutes, she'd be free of this town. She'd have her trust fund and a new country, a new life. She could be someone else. Have something else. Maybe for once in her life, she could be happy.
She sighed, pressing the button on the top of her phone. The screen went black and she took another step forward, following the line of people toward the boarding area. The glass doors to the airport fell shut behind her and it was like a weight lifted off of her chest.
No one even knew she was leaving. They'd figure it out soon enough, but she wasn't even sure she cared. It wasn't like it was important for her to stay here. No one needed her here.
All of her reasons to stay were gone.
She hitched her bag up higher on her shoulder, and the single tear that fell down her face was sworn to be her last one.
This was about freedom. This was about moving on, and letting go.
This was about-
She blinked, once, looking around at the passengers that surrounded her. Was she imagining things? She almost thought she recognized that voice. She brushed it off, following the people in front of her once again. She put her hand on the railing to the stairs up to the plane, only to be promptly knocked off of the step, her bag falling beside the stairs.
She looked up, her mouth dropping open. The guy who had been behind her gave her a dirty look and brushed past her.
"Xavier? How the fuck did you get in here?"
"Massive amounts of luck and about five thousand dollars."
He was out of breath, and he looked exhausted. Like he'd been running. He took her by the arm and pulled her out of the line. Person after person pushed past them, boarding the plane. Boarding Eden's escape, and here was Xavier, not allowing her to do the exact same thing.
"I'm about to leave, Xavier. Why are you here? What do you want?"
She looked to the side of him, not able to quite meet his eyes.
He gasped for breath, putting his hand on her shoulder. He was searching her eyes, searching for words.
"Don't get on that plane."
She shifted her weight, glancing around. People were staring, whispering to each other. She looked back at Xavier, biting down on the inside of her cheek.
"I have to. There's nothing left for me here, Xav. Everything is destroyed. Everything is changing.
I have to go."
She tried to push past him, towards the stairs, but he stopped her. One hand on her chest. He shook his head vehemently.
"No you fucking don't."
She raised an eyebrow. He was cussing. Every single time it happened, it surprised her.
"I'm pretty sure I just said that I do."
"And I said that you don't. Because there is something left for you here. I'm here.
And I know change scares you. I know that feelings scare you. I know that I fucking let you down. But running away solves nothing."
He took her face in his hands, bringing her emerald green gaze onto his own.
"Don't leave."
Eden let out a breath, and her heart jumped in her chest.
She had to leave... She couldn't stay. Not for some boy who didn't even really care.
But if he didn't care... why is he here?
The question was open ended. It had a million meanings and a million answers. But she was looking for just one. One reason to stay. If he could give her just one-
"Because I'm in love with you.
Just like you said. Just like Kiara said. Like your father did before we ever even left for college.
Because for all of your faults and all of your mistakes, I can't seem to fucking see you as anything less than beautiful.
You scare me, and you piss me off. You drive me insane.
You're reckless and obnoxious and have a terrible drinking problem. Your family is dysfunctional and your best friend is a psycho.
I almost got arrested because I was determined to get to you. I just gave all the money in my wallet to a security guard who looks like he already has more money than God.
But I don't care.
Because I'm in love with you.
And you can not get on that plane."
The shock that pulsed through Eden was unlike anything she had felt in her entire life. Was this really happening? Was he really doing this? In front of all of these people? Right now?
Thunder broke across the sky and the flight assistant leaned impatiently out of the door of the plane. They were the only two people left outside. Rain drops fell onto her face one by one and still, she didn't speak.
What kind of cliche movie bullshit was this? Stopping the girl before she gets on the plane? Were they in the nineties? This was dumb. It was insane and it was gross. Everything in her brain was telling her to push him away. To get on that plane and never look back.
"I love you too."
She pushed onto her toes and touched her lips to his, her hand on his face. He twisted his fingers into her hair and pulled her against him, the rain falling heavier. He tasted like he always had, and it was something she wasn't sure she ever quite forgot. When he broke the kiss, looking down at her, she saw something new in his eyes. He actually looked... happy.
She was in love with Xavier Nile.
And maybe this wouldn't fix her family, and maybe it wouldn't fix any of the damage that had already been done. Maybe it wouldn't fill the cracks in her defenses, but then again... maybe she didn't need them anymore.
It wouldn't make her world spin, and it wouldn't freeze time. It wouldn't be a fairy tale, and it wouldn't make her believe that love was the most beautiful thing in existence.
But what it would do, was show her that maybe not all love is bad. Maybe there are different kinds. Safe kinds.
Maybe she could do this after all.
"Excuse me, miss? We need to go. Are you getting on this plane or not?"
The woman's voice cut through her thoughts and she hesitated, looking from Xavier and back to her. She traced her fingertips across Xavier's cheek and shook her head slowly.
"I think I'm gonna stay."

She, She is the words that I can't find
How can the only thing that's killing me make me feel so alive
And I couldn't speak
I couldn't breathe to save my life
All of my chances swim like sinking ships
This time it's it
I'll drown or make her mine
She, She is the words that I can't find
How can the only thing that's killing me make me feel so alive
And I couldn't speak
I couldn't breathe to save my life
All of my chances swim like sinking ships
This time it's it
I'll drown or make her mine
I love it! Your such a great writer! I hope to read more of your stories/chapters. I hope you read mine...:)